Foundation Stage
Janvrin Foundation Stage
Our Aims: To be a vibrant and nurturing learning environment, where all children are valued. We want children to develop a high level of wellbeing and involvement which is nurtured by the staff and learning environment.
All our Early Year’s teachers are specialists in teaching the Early Years Foundation Stage and have a passion for delivering excellent teaching and learning. We want all children to have the best possible start to their education so they can reach their full potential. Research has shown how important it is for childrens’ overall academic achievement to have a good foundation to their learning in the Early Years. We offer the children ‘free-flow’ opportunities throughout the day when they are not doing focused learning with an adult. This allows the children to move freely between the indoor and outdoor areas following their interests.
At Janvrin we use Tapestry, please see the documents below for more information on this and In the moment planning which aims to foster a love of learning and inspire the children to ask and answer their own questions from their interests. In the Moment focuses on 3 children each week. A question which often arises when this method is adopted is ‘What about my child’? If your child isn’t one of the focus children of the week this does not mean we don’t capture your child’s wow moments within the class, work alongside them or encourage them to join in. It just means for that week there are less direct observations solely on your child. We always work closely with your child to find out their interests which help them to learn, but this approach allows us to unpick their interests more thoroughly and we feel this will aid their learning and development.
By the end of their time in Foundation it is expected that children will achieve their Early Learning Goals during their time in Early Years. The Early Learning Goals are divided into areas of learning under the following headings:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Parents are kept up-to-date on their child’s learning through our termly newsletter as well as weekly home learning and observations on Tapestry. We let parents know how they can help support their child with home learning, termly consultations and In the moment planning focus weeks with their child. We value our school partnership with parents and work closely together to ensure your child has the best possible start to their time in school.