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What is Safeguarding and Child Protection

Everyone has a duty of care to keep pupils at Janvrin School safe at all times.  This is known as SAFEGUARDING.

Safeguarding will ensure that:

· Our pupils are safe from maltreatment

· Our pupils health and development is protected

· Action is taken to ensure the best  academic and pastoral outcomes for our students

· Information on our students is protected and shared appropriately

· We track concerns about students confidentially and efficiently

· We respond to unplanned absence and to patterns of poor attendance

· We teach pupils how to be safe, including how to respond to concerns in assemblies, Personal, Social and Health Education (PHSE) and ICT

· We supervise the pupils at lunch and break times and as they enter and leave the school building.

For further information on safeguarding please click on the link below. 

Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board

To report a concern please find the details in the link below.

Children and Families Hub | Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board