IMPORTANT Congestion Information
IMPORTANT and urgent notice:
During the school opening last term it was clear that we had a number of issues with collecting children at the end of the day over the staggered times for each year group. As a result of this we have moved for the start of this term, to a consistent collection time for all year groups (2.45).
However, having reviewed the traffic congestion and delays yesterday and the congestion of adults at key points around the school I have decided that we urgently need to reintroduce some staggered timings for the end of day collection across different year groups.
I appreciate that this is very short notice, but I am conscious that the proposed system is causing delays in collection; an increase in traffic build up on La Pouquelaye and possible stress to parents worried about collecting their child on time.
As a result of this, I am introducing the following staggered times for end of day collection as from Monday 7th September:
Nursery and Reception: 2.45
Year 1: 3.00
Year 2: 3.00
Year 3: 3.00
Year 4: 3.00
Year 5: 2.45
Year 6: 2.45
To support this, parents collecting for 2.45 should arrive at school between 2.30-2.40 and leave ASAP.
Parents collecting for 3.00 should arrive from 2.55 at the earliest.
This situation will be reviewed regularly and we would welcome parent/carer responses to any concerns or queries that arise from this. We are aware that this won’t resolve all of the issues to do with collecting children but will reduce the risks and concerns that I observed yesterday.
It is important to recognise though that the school is running within clear Government and Health restriction and guidance as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore, we should expect and anticipate further changes and developments around our school systems, as this guidance and instruction from the Government changes.
Further to this, I would urge parents to continue to follow the advice given out earlier this week:
Drop-off and collect children from outside of their classrooms
Ensure physical distancing where possible between adults on the school site
Avoid congestion at entrance and exit points to areas around the school
Leave the school site as soon as possible and avoid delays in getting back into your vehicle
Do not allow children to play in the outside areas before and after school, especially where they may be from different year groups
Do not attend the school site if you or any member of your family is ill until you have received medical advice and followed medical advice
Thank you for your support and understanding on this matter
Iain George