Google Classroom
Dear children and families of Janvrin school
As always, staff at school are sending you all our best wishes and hoping that your circumstances are as good as they possibly can be at this time. Please contact any member of staff at anytime if you are experiencing any difficulties or concerns at home for you and your child/children.
Google Classroom:
The class teachers at school have been developing lots of different resources and activities for children whilst children work at home.
These have been very successful, but we are going to develop these even more now so your child can hand in completed work and get some feedback from your teacher on certain tasks.
This is going to be developed through ‘Google Classroom’. We are in the process of ensuring teachers have the right training on this and that we show you and your child how to get on to this. Google classroom will allow teachers to post recordings of short lessons as well as ‘assignments’ that can be completed and returned on line by the children.
There will be daily tasks for children to complete.
We will be contacting you next week with clear, simple instructions of how to get on to Google classroom and with a code/log-in for your child.
It would be helpful if you could download ‘Google Chrome’ on to our mobile device at home. This is the only way of accessing your child’s classroom (other versions of Google won’t allow this). If you can’t do this let us know (;;
We have sent out a survey to parents which many of you have completed and returned. This survey is to find out what devices your child has at home and when these are available.
It is very important that we know if your child does not have a device at home that they can access for a couple of hours throughout each day. It is also important that it has Google Chrome on it.
We will send more details around this next week so please keep checking your emails and contacts from school.
We know this will have some initial difficulties in setting up and getting out to all families but be reassured we have this in hand with staff at school and will be able to support any issues that arise. Please keep checking for information from school next week and hopefully we can get this started at some point during the week.
Liberation Day:
Saturday is Liberation day.
This is an important and historical reminder to us all about how well we can, as a community, support and work together to overcome the hardest and harshest of challenges and difficulties. These things will pass and ‘liberation’ will arrive at some point. I am looking forward to the time when we can also celebrate together as a community after this lock down. What I do know is how well our community has worked together already in supporting families facing hardships and difficulties. We will continue to do this for as long as we need to.
I wish everyone a very happy celebration tomorrow.
Kind regards
Iain George
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